
ARMI series makes stunning debut at the China Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Engineering Annual Conference

On September 18th, the 10th China Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Engineering Academic Annual Conference and the 6th National Summit on Cervical Intraepithelial Tumor and Cervical Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Hotspot Issues, held in Taiyuan, successfully concluded. Jiyuan Medical ARMI ® Disposable electronic hysteroscopes have attracted the attention of numerous attending experts.

The conference lasted for three days and adopted a combination of offline and online methods. Renowned domestic gynecological oncology experts were invited to give special lectures and expert on-site comments on hot topics such as the operation and standardization of colposcopy, cervical cytology diagnosis, screening and management of cervical lesions, diagnosis and treatment standards, misconceptions in clinical diagnosis and treatment of cervical lesions, the application of HPV vaccines, and new technologies for cervical cancer prevention and treatment. This provided a feast for obstetrics and gynecology practitioners.

Professor Cao Zeyi, former Deputy Minister of Health of the People's Republic of China and General Hospital of Aeronautics, shared a wonderful lecture on "3A+Era of Disposable Electronic Hysteroscopy Imaging - Integrated New Technology for Hysteroscopy Diagnosis and Treatment". Minister Cao Zeyi pointed out that endometrial cancer is an issue that cannot be ignored in the field of gynecology, and hysteroscopy has irreplaceable advantages for early screening of endometrial cancer. Currently in the market, Jiyuan Medical ARMI ® Disposable electronic hysteroscopes have overcome the drawbacks of reusable hysteroscopes, such as susceptibility to infection and low turnover rate. Its biggest advantage is that it allows for daytime surgery without hospitalization; Without dilation, anesthesia, and repeated disinfection, rapid and efficient hysteroscopy can collect and edit maps of endometrial lesions and endometrial cancer, making it possible to screen endometrial cancer in large numbers of people over 50 years of age and high-risk (obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and familial women). The application of ARMI ® disposable electronic hysteroscopy will open a new era of large-scale screening of endometrial cancer!

During the conference, the Jiyuan Medical booth was also bustling with people, and attendees stopped to learn about the ARMI series. In front of the booth, the staff simulated surgery with pumpkins, allowing experts and colleagues on site to experience ARMI firsthand ® The operation process of disposable electronic hysteroscope.